#fandechenin is a fundamental movement. Launched by the "Chenin Group" of the Anjou Saumur Wine Federation, it is the fruit of a vision and an ambition shared by 15 AOPs in the Loire Valley, all concerned by the future of this grape variety.


The chenin today
In 2019, the 1st International Congress on Chenin Blanc (CICB) had as its theme « Chenin in a changing environment ». This new environment is societal, economic, commercial and climatic. It is therefore the future of this grape variety that is currently being played out.

Chenin in the Loire Valley
Fan of chenin since the Middle Ages, the Loire Valley now claims the status of 1st Chenin Fan Zone in the world! Indeed, whether they are winegrowers, merchants, historians, ampelographers, chefs, sommeliers, wine merchants, journalists or simple amateurs, all consider that Cheni