#fandechenin is a fundamental movement. Launched by the "Chenin Group" of the Anjou Saumur Wine Federation, it is the fruit of a vision and an ambition shared by 15 AOPs in the Loire Valley, all concerned by the future of this grape variety.
In just a few years, this movement has become the engine and emblem of a revival of Chenin in the Loire Valley.This grape variety is once again becoming a source of pride and a stake in the Loire vineyards.
A long-term dynamic
A founding year (2018)
In 2018, the Anjou-Saumur Wine Federation launched the #fandechenin movement and called on all the Loire Valley vineyards concerned by this grape variety to join it.This call is heard. Most Touraine PDOs are part of this dynamic. Even the merchants of the region, that is to say the Great Houses, respond positively to it.
Years of impetus (2019-2021)
From January 2019, the movement is displayed on social networks but also at the Salon des Vins de Loire in Angers. A 1st space for free tasting of Chenins d’Anjou Saumur is organized there and hundreds of #fandechenin badges, yellow and black, are starting to be distributed and therefore worn by lovers of this grape variety. The wick is lit.
In June 2019, #fandechenin becomes a website on which places allowing the tasting and/or purchase of Chenin can officially become Chenins Fan Zones. The Loire winegrowers were the first to join, then quickly followed bars, restaurants, wine shops and other businesses in the region. The enthusiasm is there.
In July 2019, the 1st International Congress of Chenin Blanc is organized in Angers. For 3 days, historians, ampelographers, oenologists, marketers, winegrowers and traders, from the Loire Valley but also from South Africa, meet to take stock of the past, present and future of this grape variety. A fundamental reflection begins.
In January 2020, the yellow and black free tasting pavilion #fandechenin will be set up at Wine Paris, a benchmark BtoB fair. Hundreds of professionals leave with the famous badge in their lapel. The number of Chenin Fan Zones jumped immediately.
In June 2020, the 1st #cheninfanweek was set up for the general public, with the ambition of repeating it every year at this time. Several hundred Chenin Fan Zones are mobilizing.
The #fandechenin community then expands to amateurs.
In 2021, InterLoire, the interprofession of Loire wines, joins the dynamic #fandechenin. The yellow and black pavilion integrates the large space dedicated to the Loire Valley at Wine Paris. The projected budget for the #fandechenin strategy is then tripled.
Years of development (2022 - …)
In 2022 a 2nd International Congress of Chenin Blanc is organized in South Africa and the number of Chenin Fan Zones explodes. It reached 1160 at the end of the year and now covers 7 countries. The #fandechenin strategy is pointing its nose outside France.
In 2023, a World Chenin Blanc Observatory (OMCB) will be created. The Chenin will thus have economic and commercial indicators. Historical.
In 2024, a #cheninfantour should see the light of day, in France but also for export. Btob tastings would thus be carried out in several cities deemed strategic. In the United States, the leadership of Chenin from the Loire, the “French Chenin”, already looks strategic.
In-depth dynamics
For the promotion and recognition of Chenin
Chenin is a great white grape variety. This is the conviction of the #fande chenin movement.
However, its image and notoriety are not yet up to its potential but also to competing grape varieties, such as Riesling in particular. This is the observation at the origin of the movement.
Finally, the time has come to (be able to) value it, to have it recognized more. Indeed, in addition to the growing talent and ambition of the winegrowers and merchants concerned with this grape variety, the context is favorable to it. This is the bet of #fandechenin.
The market is now open to the arrival but also to the recognition of new white grape varieties. In the mid-1990s, the birth of the "ABC" movement, that is to say "Anything But Chardonnay", was one of the first markers of this new deal. However, the success of new grape varieties is never automatic or mechanically predictable. It always depends on the voluntarism of the actors concerned. This is the analysis that #fandechenin applies.
In France but also in the United States, interest in singular, original, surprising white wines is growing.. The upgrading of Chenin must take this into account. This is the strategy of the #fandechenin movement.
Through the communitization and development of Chenin fans
Born in the Loire Valley, the historic region of Chenin, this movement aims to bring together all fans of this grape variety. They are producers, retailers, consumers and are found in France as elsewhere. #fandechenin aggregates them, digitally, but also animates them, thanks in particular to Chenin Fan Zones.
This movement also concerns all types of wines made with Chenin. They are soft, syrupy, dry, semi-dry, or even effervescent. Some carry a geographical indication, others do not.
In terms of positioning, there are "chic", "authentic" and "legendary" Chenins. "Chic Chenins" are festive thirst-quenching wines (seduction through packaging). The "authentic" Chenins are wines of thirst for terroir (terroirisation by the winemaker incarnation). The "mythical Chenins" are pure terroir wines: "great", "exceptional" or "collection".
Generally, "Chic Chenins" are sparkling wines, "Authentic Chenins" are quiet and mellow dry whites, "Mythical Chenins" are dry and sweet whites.
However, this diversity of Chenins is a richness to better articulate, combine, promote to current but also potential fans of this grape variety. Indeed, one can like one or more types, styles of Chenins, but still it is necessary to be able to discover them… The challenge is therefore to facilitate the entry and circulation in the plural universe of Chenin. This is the mission of the #fandechenin movement.